January 27, 2008


they say if i wanted something so bad i have to believe in it . i have friends and family telling me "powder" if i wanted something to happen in my life and i have believed and prayed for it i know i will get it and i really do get what i want.

i wanted some changes in my life now and its been a while and i tried to believe and pray to have these changes but its not working with me , am i not believing enough? am i not praying enough ? and its not something that i can have with money.

what is belief and how do we believe?? I'm just so confused right now


Shayouma said...

Oh I want to do many things, yet am just not moving. Sometimes I am afraid and sometimes I think I can't do it. Donno.. Confusing!

powder said...

it is confusing :S

FourMe said...

Praying for it maybe will bring you these things you want , but no matter how much you believe that you want them it won't make a difference, at the end its all in god's hands.. so just pray for them..

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean! I wanted a partner for 5 years! did my prayers work? A big "NO"....its just we have to keep praying and wait and see it might work it might not!

powder said...

amu : inshalaa ull get the partner u wanted sooner than you think :D

fourme: im praying , im hoping , still believing but i just dont know if im doing it right

G said...

The thing about believing is that sometimes you don't get what you wish for a la
"عسى أن تكرهوا شيئا وهو خيرا لكم"

I think the belief part comes into play when you know in your heart that however your life ends up it's for the best.

It's not very reassuring but I think it's a test of faith.

Shoush said...

*singing* There can be miracles when yooou believe, tho hope is frail, it's hard to kill! Who know's wat miracles you can achieeeeve, when you believe somehow you wiiiiill..

When you believe!

Thank u. ;P

powder said...

shoush : lol thank you very much :D